Restore SQL and VM in Azure (Disaster Recovery Plan)
, 01-31-2021 at 08:53 AM (91527 نمایش ها)
Restore SQL and VM in Azure (Disaster Recovery Plan) :
Written by: Mohsen Pourghorbani Dinachali ( 31-01-2021)
Note: In this scenario we used Azure “Recovery Service Vault” for backup the SQL and VM. Our SQL doesn’t have “Log Backup” and also, we do not have “Transactions” in the database.
Restoring SQL:
1.Log in to Azure portal (
2. Choose the correct Subscription
3. Go to the Correct “Resource Group”
4. Click on the correct “Recovery Service Vault”
5. On the left menu select “Backup Items”:
6. Choose the databases that you want to restore. If you need to restore them all, you have to do it one by one.
7. In this scenario, we want to restore the backup to the current database. Therefore, we choose “Overwrite DB” option and then “Select” and select the backup point that you want to restore.
Note: By choosing “Overwrite DB”, the current database of the VM will be replaced by the backup one. This action is not reversable.
8. in “Advanced Configuration” choose “Configure” and then choose the “Disabled option”. We chose this option because in this scenario the database is NOT Transactional.
9. You can check the process by referring to the “Backup Jobs” on the left menu of “Recovery Services vault”. At the log in to the VM and check the restored Databases.
Restoring Virtual Machine:
1.Log in to Azure portal (
2. Choose the correct Subscription
3. Go to the Correct “Resource Group”
4. Click on the correct “Recovery Service Vault”
5. On the left menu select “Backup Items”:
6. Select the VM that you want to restore:
7. Choose the restore point.
8. Select the “Replace Existing” in order to restore the backup to current VM.
Note:By choosing this option the current VM will be replaced with the backup one. This action is NOT reversable
9. You can check the process by referring to the “Backup Jobs” on the left menu of “Recovery Services vault”. At the log in to the VM and check the virtual Machine. The IP address will remain the same.
Written by: Mohsen Pourghorbani Dinachali
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